ET / TS System
Ø6.0 Regular Rigid Protect Cap
• Protects the rigid abutment until applying the final prosthesis• Can be used as the base for a provisional crown• Available for transfer abutment (Ø4.0 excluded) -
Ø5.0 Regular Rigid Protect Cap
• Protects the rigid abutment until applying the final prosthesis• Can be used as the base for a provisional crown• Available for transfer abutment (Ø4.0 excluded) -
Ø4.5 Mini/Regular Rigid Protect Cap
• Protects the rigid abutment until applying the final prosthesis• Can be used as the base for a provisional crown• Available for transfer abutment (Ø4.0 excluded) -
Ø4.0 Mini/Regular Rigid Protect Cap
• Protects the rigid abutment until applying the final prosthesis• Can be used as the base for a provisional crown• Available for transfer abutment (Ø4.0 excluded) -
Ø7.0 Regular ET Rigid Abutment
• Cement-retained prosthesis• Abutment level impression• Ø4.0: torque with the outer driver (code: HORDML/HORDMS)• Ø4.5/5.0/6.0: torque with the outer driver or 1.2 hex driver• Ø7.0: torque with a 1.2 hex... -
Ø6.0 Regular ET Rigid Abutment
• Cement-retained prosthesis• Abutment level impression• Ø4.0: torque with the outer driver (code: HORDML/HORDMS)• Ø4.5/5.0/6.0: torque with the outer driver or 1.2 hex driver• Ø7.0: torque with a 1.2 hex... -
Ø5.0 Regular ET Rigid Abutment
• Cement-retained prosthesis• Abutment level impression• Ø4.0: torque with the outer driver (code: HORDML/HORDMS)• Ø4.5/5.0/6.0: torque with the outer driver or 1.2 hex driver• Ø7.0: torque with a 1.2 hex... -
Ø4.5 Regular ET Rigid Abutment
• Cement-retained prosthesis• Abutment level impression• Ø4.0: torque with the outer driver (code: HORDML/HORDMS)• Ø4.5/5.0/6.0: torque with the outer driver or 1.2 hex driver• Ø7.0: torque with a 1.2 hex... -
Ø4.0 Mini ET Rigid Abutment
• Cement-retained prosthesis• Abutment level impression• Ø4.0: torque with the outer driver (code: HORDML/HORDMS)• Ø4.5/5.0/6.0: torque with the outer driver or 1.2 hex driver• Ø7.0: torque with a 1.2 hex... -
Ø4.5 ET Healing Abutment Mini
• Mini platform prosthetic parts for Ø3.5 & 3.2 implants colored in yellow• Tighten with a 1.2 hex hand driver -
Ø4.0 ET Healing Abutment Mini
• Mini platform prosthetic parts for Ø3.5 & 3.2 implants colored in yellow• Tighten with a 1.2 hex hand driver -
ET Regular Cover Screw
• Depending on the depth of the implant, height (H) is selected• Ø3.2 implant uses exclusive cover screw• Tighten by hand with 1.2 hex driver -
ET Mini Cover Screw
• Depending on the depth of the implant, height (H) is selected• Ø3.2 implant uses exclusive cover screw• Tighten by hand with 1.2 hex driver -
Digital Lab Analog
Digital Lab Analog is designed to be used with 3D printed models to check for proper position and custom abutment specifications. Used with Digital Lab Analog Placement Tools to allow the analog to be placed in the 3D Model easily. Tighten with a 1.2... -
Ø3.2 ET Narrow Cover Screw
• Depending on the depth of the implant, height (H) is selected• Ø3.2 implant uses exclusive cover screw• Tighten by hand with 1.2 hex driver