Shipping & Returns


All order must be received by 3pm EST to be processed the any orders after 3pm EST will be processed the next business day.

We only ship within the USA except some products with restrictions.

We offer discounted fixed shipping rates for all orders. Please see below for the current shipping price schedule.

- UPS Express Saver(Ground SVC) $0.00
- UPS Second Day $6.00
- UPS Standard Overnight $18.50
- UPS Priority Overnight $19.50
- UPS First Overnight $40.00
- Saturday Delivery (Must be ordered on Friday) $50


Returns Policy

You may return most new, unopened items, original condition within 60 days (45 days for most new 3rd party products) of delivery for an exchange or credit.

Return shipping costs are covered if the return is a result of our error (Incorrect or Defective items). If the return is due to customer error (incorrect item/size ordered) or for a change of mind, return shipping will not be provided.

Credit will be issued within 2 weeks of your return. This time period includes the transit time to receive your return, processing and request for credit.

If you need to return an item, please navigate to the `My orders` page, find the specific order and press the "RETURN" button.
We will respond quickly with instructions on how to return items from your order.

Please note: Clearance, open-box and promotional item sales are final and refunds or exchanges are not available.

**Our business hours are 8:00am to 5:00pm EST, Monday to Friday