Basic Live Surgery Patient Selection Guide
An ideal patient for the Live Surgery procedure will meet the following criteria:
1. No Bleeding Concerns, History Radiation Tx, Fosamax (medical history form provided)
2. Patient who can Tolerate Long Procedures
3. Patient who can Open Wide (30mm)
4. No Aesthetic Concerns/Adequate Attached Gingival
5. Area with Single Tooth Missing (Multiple fixture placement is not allowed)
6. Upper better than Lower (No Nerve)
7. Best #’s: 4, 5, 12, 13, 19, 30
8. Good #’s: 3, 14, 20, 21, 28, 29
9. Do NOT choose: 2, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 15, 18, 31
10. Vertical Bone height: minimum 10mm from Nerve/Sinus
11. Ridge width (Buccal-Lingual): 6mm width or more at the crest
12. Interproximal space (Mesial-Distal): minimum 8mm
13. Opposing dentition or denture teeth with proper position or implant prosthesis
14. Adjacent teeth present, plan to stay with good prognosis, no perio defect
15. Extraction site 6+ months after grafting
16. No smoker prefers
Please bring the following for Final Case Review:
B. PA and/or PAN
C. Upper and lower models (mount if Hand Articulation is not possible)
D. Questions about drilling sequence/suturing